
06-11-2013 10:30

Prostate Tops List of Most Inheritable Cancers

BOSTON — One legacy that most men could do without is an inherited risk for prostate cancer, but a massive cohort study shows that for some men, genetic history hints at oncologic destiny. Data on both identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic) twins from the comprehensive birth-to-death...


06-11-2013 10:27

Pregnancy Weight Gain May Influence Autism Risk

The amount of weight a woman gains while pregnant may influence her risk of having a child with autism, a retrospective study suggests. However, researchers urge caution in interpreting the finding. In 2 separate cohorts from Utah, researchers found a positive association between prenatal weight...


06-11-2013 10:23

Early Onset of Puberty in Girls Linked to Obesity

Girls in the United States are entering puberty at younger ages than they have in the past, but investigators have not been able to pinpoint the cause. Now, a longitudinal study, published online November 4 in Pediatrics, suggests a higher body mass index (BMI) plays a role in earlier breast...


06-11-2013 10:22

HPV Testing: Greater Protection Against Cervical Cancer

The future of cervical abnormality detection, and thus the prevention of invasive cancers, lies in testing for human papillomavirus (HPV), rather than the more established cytology screening, according to the largest study to date. In fact, HPV screening appears to offer 60% to 70% greater...


17-10-2013 09:58

Updated Guidelines for HER2 Testing of Breast Cancer

The new update to clinical practice guidelines for HER2 testing in breast cancer has recommendations to improve the accuracy of this testing, helping to ensure that no woman misses out on potential life-saving therapy with HER2-targeted drugs. The update, issued jointly by the American Society of...


17-10-2013 09:41

Vitamins Might Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality

Older women who developed invasive breast cancer while taking multivitamin supplements with minerals had a 30% lower rate of breast cancer mortality than women who did not take supplements, according to an analysis of data from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). The finding was published online...


09-10-2013 15:19

Elas são mais preocupadas que eles com os cuidados a ter no sexo

A adolescência é um período conturbado na vida de rapazes e raparigas, mas também dos pais. Ao início da vida sexual, associam-se um número interminável de dúvidas que, muitas das vezes, não passam de mitos infundados. Pode-se engravidar na primeira relação sexual? É verdade que dói? O momento...


08-10-2013 14:26

Vergonha na infância e na adolescência afeta saúde mental em adulto

Um estudo da Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra (FCEPUC) revela que as “experiências de vergonha na infância e na adolescência” afetam a saúde mental e bem-estar em adulto. “Indivíduos, cujas experiências de vergonha na infância e na adolescência funcionam...


08-10-2013 14:25

Dia Mundial da Saúde Sexual alerta que sexualidade é também um direito dos doentes

A Direção-Geral da Saúde aproveita este Dia Mundial da Saúde Sexual para alertar a sociedade que é preciso afastar o lado obscuro de que a sexualidade são infeções ou disfunções sexuais. A sexualidade é um direito de todos, mesmo dos mais doentes. “As pessoas têm direito a viver a sexualidade mesmo...


07-10-2013 16:24

Atividade moderada associada a menor risco de câncer de mama

Walking for 1 hour or more daily was associated with a 14% lower risk for breast cancer, and high physical activity was associated with a 25% lower risk, compared with the risk for most sedentary women, according to findings from a large prospective study published online October 4 in Cancer...
